Cover of the Qafiya Review

The Roach by René Zadoorian

Published in 2024, The Roach is a short story written by René Zadoorian. Originally published in the Qafiya Review, The Roach is about newly-single Aram who contemplates his divorce from his husband as he decides to care for a Madagascar Hissing Roach he finds in his home.

René Zadoorian is an Armenian writer with a degree in creative writing from California State University, Northridge. He was born in Tehran, Iran, and now resides in Los Angeles. His short stories lean toward themes of queer identity. He is also a reader for Fahmidan and Orca, A Literary Journal. His short stories and film photography have been published in various magazines including WireWorm, Penmen Review, Qafiyah Review, The Periwinkle Pelican, Beyond Queer Words, and elsewhere.

The Cockroach Papers: A Compendium of History and Lore by Richard Schweid sat beside Aram on the aged couch. It had been the only book willing to speak on cockroach history and some care, and although it was not much, he cherished the author’s ability to write on such an off putting subject matter. Schweid had mentioned that hissing roaches could live off of something as simple as banana peels. Simple for others, Aram thought. He hated bananas, and the only time he was in their presence was when his husband- ex-husband- bought some from the market. Now, a hand of overly ripe discounted bananas idled on the kitchen counter, ready to provide protein to a much smaller being. Aram raised his body from the couch and entered his bare kitchen. He separated a banana from the rest of the stems and held onto the brown fruit, minutes away from decay.

The Roach, René Zadoorian

photo of a cockroach

You can read the full short story through the Qafiyah Review’s website or through Zadoorian’s website:

While there, you can read other short stories by Zadoorian, including: Baby Bird, Adrift, and Moth and Other Dead Animals.

You can follow René on Instagram @lammpshade.